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Eight Off Freecell

Freecell is a very challenging game. So, what do you do if you're in the mood for something a little easier? You play "Eight Off" Freecell.

Eight Off Free Cell is just like regular Freecell except, well...you get eight free cells instead of just four. This means that you can move around a lot more cards. Other than that, this card game is just like regular freecell...just a lot more forgiving.

Just like regular Freecell, beat Eight Off Freecell by getting all 52 cards into the four foundations on the right. You can temporarily place any single card that you want into one of the eight freecells, but it's best to have an idea as to how that card is going to make its way back into the tableau.

Eight Off Freecell Tips

  • very similar to regular freecell--get all cards into the foundations on the right!
  • free cell on "easy mode", you have 8 cells to work with
  • try to have an escape route for any card you place into a freecell


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